body { background-image: url('$imageUrl'); }";
Rules to Follow
Vulgar language is forbidden. The sanction is received depending on the severity of the language, from a 10 minute gag to a 480 minute ban.
Excessive spam is strictly forbidden and is sanctioned with a 10 minute gag.
Cheats are strictly forbidden and lead to PERMANENT BAN without discussion.
You are not allowed to use bugs. If you find a bug, contact one of the founders. Whoever abuses bugs and does not notify anyone receives PERMANENT BAN.
You are not allowed to advertise other servers. Permanent ban.
You are not allowed to request EC/XP or modes. Gag 10 minutes/Ban 120 minutes.
You are not allowed to use scripts. Ban 1000-5000 minutes.
Ground Strafe, Stand-Up Ground Strafe are forbidden, even if you make manual. Ban 1000-5000 minutes.
You are not allowed as a human to break doors/bridges etc to help zombies to do fail. Slay/Kick/Ban 120-240 minutes.
It is forbidden to stay in the base as a human or camp after the round starts. Slay/Kick/Ban 120 minutes.
It is forbidden to use shortcuts on these maps: ze_parkour_fabi, ze_isla_arcivias_f2. Slay/Kick/Ban 120 minutes.
It is forbidden to close the doors or break the barricades, bridges, etc until all the teammates have come. Slay/Kick/Ban 120-240 minutes.
It is forbidden to press the escape button early. Slay/Kick/Ban 30-60 minutes.
If zombies got on the plane, boat etc, after the round is over, zombies win, humans must receive slay.
After pressing the escape button, it is forbidden to defend in another part of the map outside the escape area. At the same time, the admins have the right to forbid the defense on some maps so that the defense will be done only in the escape area.
The team between players/admins is strictly forbidden, the admin who is caught favoring a player or admin has -1 downgrade, and the player will receive a ban from 500 to 1500 minutes.
The wCD test (WarGods) can be requested from a player if the admin suspects him of cheats/scripts, if the player refuses to take the test, he will be banned PERMANENTLY.
It is forbidden as a human to let zombies infect you. Ban 1000-5000 minutes.
It is forbidden to reconnect when you are zombie. Kick/Ban 120 minutes.
It is forbidden to disconnect/reconnect to not be infected by the zombie. Ban 60-120 minutes.
It is forbidden to push zombies with certain weapons when it is still freeze-time. Slay/Kick.
Admin may add temporary rules during the game for a map or a short period of time, when the GamePlay is completely unbalanced or the server suffers, these rules being taken responsibly and correctly towards the players, the admins who will add rules abusive to favor players or admins or in their favor, will receive remove.
Farming is strictly forbidden, ban from 1500 minutes on the first deviation to 5000 min and on the 3rd deviation reset levels to 0!